Small groups
Being and making disciples is a major part of who we are at New Covenant.
Why we do small groups
Small Groups are the biblical model for discipleship. God desires for us to be in community, He created us for relationship with each other. When we do life together, we live out the full life He designed for us. We develop healthy relationships and accountability that foster growth, connection, and living abundantly. We can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far go together!
If there is any way we can help you connect, or for more information on any of our small groups, email us!
When do small groups meet?
We have 3 semesters a year Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Request a small group space
Fill out this form to requests a room to host small group in the church building.